I thought I would start this by explaning that when I was at NSL 2008 I was amazed by the large projects but my fasination with L3 projects started in November of 2001. Two Canadian's had come down to Whitakers North Carolina to fly their rocket "Draco" I was amazed and hooked right then.

Fast forward to NSL. As I was getting ready to fly my 2nd L2 certification (my original L1 & L2 were taken away because I was overseas past my membership). Everytime I walked by Ken Allens "Performance Hobbies" tent I kept looking at the Smokin' Rockets Der Mega Red Max. Well, enough was enough and I finally bought it. It's 7.5" in diameter and will be about 8-9 feet tall. I am still trying to decide which motor to use. I want the red of the M1550-R from Aerotech or the AMW M1480-RR...but I would love to use the dirty, nasty looking AMW M1730-SK.
For electronics, I already have an older RRC but had to mail it in to be looked at. My 2nd L1 flight it hit pretty hard on the tarmac of Fentress Auxilary Air Field (Home of the South Easter Virginia Rocketry Association). At NSL I had bought an ALTS2 for my second altimeter.

After trying to get onto Smokin'Rockets web page to see if anyone else has put this rocket together I have found that the web site does not work...however I met a guy by the name of Todd Haring that had made one similiar. The only difference is will be that mine has a 24" section of air frame that goes on top the 48" one. (Thanks, Todd, for the picture)
Next...constructing the Altimeter Bay.
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