South Eastern Virginia Rocketry Association

South Eastern Virginia Rocketry Association
JUST GETTING HERE?? The Blogs are out of the dates to the left....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Ok, Jumping ahead from the last set I had to dodge cold fronts and rain storms to get the primer and paint on. Once dried I got it back inside and got the decals on. Now the tough part...checking and rechecking the check list and waiting for Red Glare 6...

Once there we unpacked the set and began going over the parts for damage.

Snap shot...maybe I'll send this one to Smokin' Rockets so they can get one on their web site...

Another shot of the family. I didn't get the Estes one finished in time.

At this point my wife showed up to the field and I was ready to fly.

A little help from my friends

Now we wait for the pads to clear...

Off to the pads....

Listening to two different altimeters is tough...

Loaded up with a LOKI M2550-LB talking with ROCKETS magazine.

First Flame...

Second camera angle...

Third angle....

Alright...after all that my shock cord and parachute tangled up and the MAX came down from 5000' with out any damage...I was ready to pack up and think about Red Glare 7...My buddies said to try it again. With some money changing hands and some pep talks I went to Jeff Taylors tent and bought an we go again...
Sunday Morning...going to be the first flight...

At this point I was thinking if I remembered everything...

My second flight was more exciting and successful...thanks to all who helped !!!

Showing off my L3 Temp Card


rstaff said...

Congrats on the L3. Great blog post!

Eric F. said...

Thanks buddy, it was a long haul and in the end I was afraid I wasn't going to make it...I can't wait to mix my own "M" now...

High Power Rocketry said...

Great work!

Laser Woodbridge VA said...

Great work!Thanks buddy.