South Eastern Virginia Rocketry Association

South Eastern Virginia Rocketry Association
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Friday, August 29, 2008

Fincan and Airframe

After a little research I figures out how to work this...

For full size photos please click the link below.

In the past posting I explained that the fins were too heavy and wasn't going to allow me to get all three on at the same time. I drew out a jig on some MDF. I have the fin slots cut out and clamping brackets installed.

The first fin attached and trued up with a square.

The third fin attached...

Epoxy is cures and show for fin can size.

More fillets to support the fiberglass.

A tip I use when applying fiberglass strips is to stick the strips to the fillets with super glue. This will prevent lifting.

Epoxy applied with no lifting.

Another goof up occured when I tried to plug the retainer inserts with wax...epoxy creats enough heat to melt the wax and it begun to ooze out the inserts...I guess the retainer will be put on sooner then expected.

With the fin can curing again I turned my attention to the airframe. First off is making a mandrel.

With the pre-slotted airframe I needed to protect the mandrel disk from epoxy with some wax paper.

I bought Easy-Glas from Giant Leap...easy stuff

Epoxy applied

I also finished the upper air frame too.

The pre-solts were cut at a slight angle so I had to widen them up a little. I'll need to fill that in a little later.

Back on the fin can I aligned the brackets for the upper centering ring...

Installed. I can't epoxy it yet because I will need to get to the middle ring when I epoxy the airframe to the fincan...

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